Central New York



Facial and Hand Rejuvenation With Radiesse | Ferrer & Monaghan Vein & Aesthetic Center

Radiesse® Treatment in Ithaca, NY

Loss of volume can happen as your skin ages and loses some of its elasticity and youthful fat pads. Through treatments such as Radiesse, you can restore some of this lost volume without having to have surgery or invasive procedures. Radiesse is an injectable treatment that works with your body’s regenerative processes to make your face look more youthful and have more volume. 

At Ferrer & Monaghan Vein & Aesthetic Center, we specialize in non-invasive treatments that can help address many of the common concerns our patients express including aging skin, loss of volume, wrinkles, and more. We serve Ithaca, NY, and the surrounding areas, and we always have time to meet with you for a personalized consultation.

What Is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a dermal filler and biostimulator used to address signs of aging in the skin. This FDA-approved treatment works by replenishing lost volume in the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and promoting the production of natural collagen.

The key component of Radiesse injections is Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA), a biocompatible substance similar to minerals found naturally in our bodies. Suspended in a water-based gel, these tiny CaHA microspheres stimulate the body to produce more collagen, the protein responsible for skin elasticity and firmness.

Healthy young skin contains collagen that gives it volume, flexibility and strength. As part of the aging process, your own natural collagen breaks down, diminishing facial volume. This loss of elasticity and volume results in the wrinkles, facial lines and skin laxity that rob your skin of its youthful appearance. The ideal way to achieve wrinkle reduction is by replenishing lost volume. With RADIESSE® wrinkle filler, you welcome back your own natural collagen to smooth out the signs of aging. That’s because RADIESSE wrinkle filler’s unique formulation stimulates collagenesis – the production of new collagen – which results in increased volume for natural looking wrinkle correction that may last a year or more in many patients.




How Does Radiesse Work? 

Radiesse has a dual-action process that sets it apart from other fillers. When Radiesse is injected beneath the skin, the water-based gel and calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres provide instant volume and lift. This helps to smooth out wrinkles and folds immediately, allowing for an instantaneous rejuvenation effect.

In the following months, Radiesse’s CaHA microspheres act as a scaffold under the skin, providing structure and stimulating the growth of your own natural collagen. This process continues even after the initial volume has been added. Over time, your body gradually absorbs the Radiesse and metabolizes the CaHA microspheres, leaving behind your natural collagen structure.

Unique Benefits of Radiesse 

Immediate and Long-Term Results

While most dermal filler products can provide immediate correction for volume loss and wrinkles and other biostimulator products stimulate collagen production, Radiesse is one of the only treatments that can do both. This can make Radiesse treatments a perfect solution for someone who is interested in both immediate and long-term benefits. 

Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

For those reluctant to undergo invasive surgical procedures, Radiesse treatments offer an alternative solution for facial rejuvenation. As a non-invasive dermal filler, Radiesse can provide significant aesthetic enhancement with no incisions, no general anesthesia, and no downtime.

Comfortable Treatments

Treatments with Radiesse filler are generally well-tolerated. The injections are performed using fine needles that help to make it a more comfortable process for our patients. Some individuals may be interested in Radiesse (+), which offers the same effective formulation and has the addition of lidocaine for an even more comfortable treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Radiesse

How Long Does Radiesse Last? 

Radiesse can last for a year or more after injections. This longevity is thanks to the formula’s ability to continue prompting a healing and regenerative response in the skin. The duration of results may vary from person to person, depending on factors such as age, skin type, and lifestyle habits.

What Areas Does Radiesse Treat?

Lower Face

Radiesse injections are highly effective in addressing aging concerns in the lower face. It can smooth out deep nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth), marionette lines (lines from the corners of the mouth down to the chin), and other wrinkles in this area. By restoring volume in the lower face, Radiesse can help you achieve a smoother, younger-looking complexion.


One of the first places to show signs of aging is our hands. Radiesse is FDA-approved for hand augmentation to correct volume loss in the back of the hands. It replenishes lost volume, reduces the visibility of tendons and veins, and provides a smooth surface, giving your hands a more youthful appearance.


A defined jawline can help improve the appearance of your face. Radiesse can be used to enhance the jawline by reshaping it and reducing the appearance of jowls or sagging skin. The result is a sharper and more youthful look.

Am I a Good Candidate for Radiesse? 

Ideal candidates for Radiesse filler and biostimulator treatments are typically adults who are noticing signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss in their face or hands. They should be in good health and have realistic expectations about what the treatment can achieve. Radiesse is excellent for those seeking to restore volume, contour their jawline, smooth wrinkles, or rejuvenate their hands.

However, Radiesse may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with a sensitivity to any ingredients in Radiesse should consider other treatments. During your consultation, we will take a full medical history and discuss any factors that may help to determine whether this treatment is right for you.

Facial and Hand Rejuvenation With Radiesse

When it comes to dermal fillers and biostimulators, Radiesse stands out as a versatile and effective option. Whether you are looking for a way to fill in lines and wrinkles and restore volume to areas that have started to become more hollow, or you want to find a non-invasive way to improve the contour of your jawline, Radiesse can offer the right solution. 

At Ferrer & Monaghan Vein & Aesthetic Center, we are committed to helping every patient address their individual concerns by finding unique and personalized solutions. For many of our patients, Radiesse is able to provide effective results with one fast and convenient treatment. Call us today at (607) 257-2116 to learn more about our Radiesse treatments in Ithaca, NY, or request an appointment online.

Dermal Fillers General Information

When it comes to dermal fillers, variety is key. For that reason, we offer several different dermal filler collections and formulas with unique ingredients to meet the needs of our patients. Our hyaluronic acid-based fillers will inject immediate volume into different areas of the face. We only use as much filler as you need to address hollow areas, lines, and wrinkles of different severity and areas that need added volume for feature enhancement or to combat aging.

Our collagen-stimulating fillers, also known as biostimulators, are unique in that, unlike hyaluronic acid-based fillers, they don’t inject immediate volume into the skin but instead stimulate natural collagen production.

The Treatment Process

At your consultation, the physician will discuss your goals and expectations.  After an assessment, she will devise a personalized treatment plan for you with a thorough discussion of the recommended filler.  The treatment typically takes 30 – 60 minutes.  The area that is being treated will be cleansed with an antibacterial agent.  The physician will make a series of marks and apply numbing as needed.  The number of injections will depend on the area being treated and the amount of filler being used.  When the treatment is complete, all the marks will be removed, ointment will be applied, and the application of ice will be used if necessary.  There is typically minimal downtime with filler injections. Further discharge instructions will be provided at the time of treatment.

What is Facial Rejuvenation?

Facial sculpting–the combination of injectables (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) and fillers (Voluma, Juvederm, Radiesse, Belotero Balance, Perlane, Restylane, and Sculptra)–is an artistic endeavor that provides individualized results for your unique needs.

The wide range of products offered at Ferrer & Monaghan Vein and Aesthetic Center address wrinkles as well as the muscles that cause lines and furrows to form.

Fillers plump up wrinkles while other injectables prevent the muscle contractions that result in lines and wrinkles.

When used together, injectables and fillers can lead to improved and longer-lasting results, due to the decreased muscle movement slowing the re-absorption of the products used in the treatment.