Central New York



Dysport Treatment in Ithaca, NY

Dysport Treatment in Ithaca, NY

Wrinkles and fine lines can make you look older than you feel. Millions of people all around the world are searching for an effective way to reduce the appearance of aging skin. If you are one of them, we have a solution for you! Here at Ferrer & Monaghan Vein & Aesthetic Center, we offer Dysport treatments in Ithaca, NY. 

Dysport is a highly recommended neuromodulator that can eliminate wrinkles and fine lines on your forehead, making you look younger. We are here to help you achieve your goal of having youthful skin again. You can count on us for a professional and luxurious experience. For more information about Dysport treatments, contact us online or visit us for a consultation.

At Ferrer & Monaghan Vein & Aesthetic Center, we focus on treatments that are backed by science and provide effective results. Botox injections offer these benefits to our patients, and we are happy to meet with you to discuss your candidacy for this treatment.  

What Is Dysport Used For, and How Does It Work?

Dysport is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that effectively treats glabella lines. These are the vertical lines between your eyebrows from constant facial expressions. As a neuromodulator, Dysport works by inhibiting specific facial muscle contractions that cause dynamic wrinkles. 

Its primary ingredient, botulinum toxin, blocks nerve signals to relax facial muscles and specifically targets the source of dynamic wrinkles. Dysport is injected into the deeper layers of the skin to effectively address dynamic wrinkles. 

Dysport is another injectable neurotoxin that treats frown lines. However, its unique treatment protocol that includes a series of injections around the brows in five different areas will help you maintain the natural ability to express while simultaneously smoothing your frown lines. Whether you suffer from mild or more severe frown lines, this treatment option is an excellent solution to temporarily eliminate them.

Dysport is a prescription injection for temporary improvement in the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) in adults less than 65 years of age.



The Benefits of Dysport

Dysport offers a wide range of benefits, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking non-surgical, fast-acting, and effective anti-aging treatments. Here are a few of the key benefits of Dysport:

It Is a Non-Surgical Treatment

Dysport is a minimally-invasive treatment that does not require surgery, incisions, or lengthy recovery periods. This makes it a convenient and hassle-free option if you want to improve your appearance without undergoing surgery.

It Provides Fast-Acting Results

Dysport provides fast-acting results, with initial improvements visible in as little as two to four days. Full results are typically achieved within two weeks of treatment. This means you can enjoy a more youthful, refreshed appearance in a short amount of time.

It Is a Wrinkle Prevention Treatment

Dysport can be used as a preventative treatment to stop dynamic wrinkles from forming before they settle on the face. Incorporating Dysport into your regular skincare routine during your 30s can help keep your skin smooth and youthful-looking.

It Is Affordable and Less Time-Consuming

Dysport treatments are generally more affordable and less time-consuming than surgical anti-aging treatments. This makes it an accessible option for individuals who want to achieve a more youthful appearance without it costing a fortune or using too much time.

How Long Does Dysport Last?

On average, the effects of Dysport last about three to four months, after which you will need to repeat the treatment to maintain the results. Several factors affect the duration of your results, including your age, skin type, lifestyle, and the severity of the wrinkles being treated. It is important to note that Dysport is not a permanent solution for wrinkles. The effects will gradually wear off over time. However, with regular treatment and proper skincare, you can maintain long-lasting results.

Dysport vs. Botox: What's the Difference?

If you’re considering Dysport or Botox, understanding the differences between these two cosmetic treatments can help you make an informed decision. Although Dysport and Botox are derived from the same type of bacteria and work similarly by relaxing facial muscles to reduce wrinkles, they have some differences.

For instance, Dysport tends to take effect faster than Botox. In some cases, Dysport may show noticeable results in as little as two days, while Botox may take up to a week. However, Botox generally lasts a bit longer than Dysport, with results lasting up to six months, while Dysport usually lasts around four months.

When it comes to treatment areas, Dysport may be more suitable for larger areas, such as the forehead, as it has a wider spread than Botox. Dysport is also recommended for deeper wrinkles and glabellar lines, as it can diffuse over a larger area. Ultimately, the choice between Dysport and Botox depends on your preference and treatment goals. 

Schedule an Initial Consultation With Us

After learning about the differences between Dysport and Botox, it’s important to schedule a consultation with us to determine the most appropriate treatment for you. During your initial consultation, we will evaluate the area you want to be treated and assess the severity of your wrinkles and fine lines. We will also review your medical history to ensure that there are no medical conditions that may be affected by Dysport, such as muscle weakness disorder. 

Using the information you provide, we will recommend the best neuromodulator to address your skincare needs. We will take into account your individual preferences, concerns, and goals to customize a treatment plan tailored specifically for you. 

What to Expect During a Dysport Treatment

With Dysport, you can enjoy a quick and easy treatment that won’t take up much of your time. Your Dysport session should not take longer than 30 minutes, making it a great option for those with busy schedules. Many of our patients schedule their Dysport sessions during their lunch breaks.

If you’re looking for more comprehensive results beyond reducing wrinkles, you can consider combining your Dysport treatment with other non-surgical cosmetic treatments. To create a suitable treatment plan that meets your specific goals, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation with us. 

Enjoy Younger-Looking Skin With Dysport

Are you ready to rejuvenate your skin? Here at Ferrer & Monaghan Vein & Aesthetic Center, we offer Dysport injections to help you achieve remarkable results. Younger-looking skin is a short phone call away. If you would like to know more about Dysport and how you can benefit from it, contact us online or call us at 607.499.4582 to schedule your appointment.

Neurotoxin FAQ

The Treatment Process

Each of our wrinkle-relaxing injectables is fitted with a fine, thin needle. Injections are quick, but if you are concerned about discomfort, we can arrange for a pre-treatment application of a topical numbing solution to enhance your injection experience. Once we apply the topical solution, it takes about 30 minutes for the skin to go numb, and then we can make the necessary injections and you’ll be on your way.

How Many Injections Will I Need?

Botox injections have a specific treatment protocol. If you choose to treat forehead lines, you’ll receive five different injections into areas on the forehead. If you treat frown lines, you’ll receive five injections into the area around and above the brows. If you choose to treat frown lines, you’ll receive three injections into the muscles at the outer corners of the eyes.

If you use Dysport or Xeomin to address frown lines, you’ll receive injections into various areas around the eyebrows to smooth those wrinkles. We’ll design a unique treatment plan using one or more of these injectables to help you combat lines and wrinkles long-term.

Aftercare Instructions

After your treatment, you can resume your normal daily activities and even return to work if you need to. However, it’s important that you follow some aftercare instructions to ensure the best results. Keep your head elevated for at least four hours after your treatment. Do not massage or touch the treatment area to avoid spreading the ingredients into different areas of the face.

Avoid workouts for 24 hours and activities that increase body temperature, including sauna use, hot tubs, steam rooms, or even hot yoga. We’ll give you specific instructions about what products to use and how to care for the injection sites in the days following your treatment.

When To Expect Results

It’s important to note that when you begin treatment with these injectables, you won’t see immediate results. It takes time for the neurotoxins to relax the muscles in your treatment area.

Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport results appear within a few days of treatment. Botox takes the longest to deliver results, and you may have to wait up to a week to see visible changes in your treatment area. Dysport and Xeomin take two to four days to deliver results. Best results are evident by 30 days post-treatment and can last three to six months.

Rejuvenate Your Complexion

Don’t let your expression lines define you. Instead, invest in a safe cosmetic treatment that will help renew your confidence and appearance. Facial rejuvenation with these wrinkle-relaxing injectables is the perfect way to fight aging and achieve a well-rested and youthful-looking complexion with just a quick 10-minute treatment. Contact us today at Ferrer & Monaghan Vein and Aesthetic Center, located in Horseheads and Ithaca, NY to schedule your consultation.

What is Facial Rejuvenation?

Facial sculpting–the combination of injectables (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) and fillers (Voluma, Juvederm, Radiesse, Belotero Balance, Perlane, Restylane, and Sculptra)–is an artistic endeavor that provides individualized results for your unique needs.

The wide range of products offered at Ferrer & Monaghan Vein and Aesthetic Center address wrinkles as well as the muscles that cause lines and furrows to form.

Fillers plump up wrinkles while other injectables prevent the muscle contractions that result in lines and wrinkles.

When used together, injectables and fillers can lead to improved and longer-lasting results, due to the decreased muscle movement slowing the re-absorption of the products used in the treatment.