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Laser Hair Removal: How Long Will Your Results Last?

When searching for smooth, hair-free skin, you may have tried many different methods such as shaving or waxing. Laser hair removal offers a compelling alternative, known for its effectiveness in reducing unwanted hair. Many of our patients are interested in how long the effects of the treatment last. Laser hair removal can be an attractive option because of its longevity, especially when compared to other options.

At Ferrer & Monaghan Vein and Aesthetic Center in Ithaca, NY, we specialize in laser hair removal, providing you with the facts and expertise you need to make an informed decision. Whether you’re considering this treatment for the first time or looking for insights into its longevity, we’re here to guide you through the specifics.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a medical treatment that employs concentrated beams of light to target and eliminate hair follicles. By targeting the root of your unwanted hair, it can offer a much longer lasting solution than methods that simply remove the hair for a short period.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

To understand how long the results can last, understanding the mechanics of the laser hair removal service is an important step. The laser device emits a specialized light that penetrates the skin to reach individual hair follicles. The light energy transforms into heat, which damages the follicles and inhibits future hair growth. It’s a precise method that focuses on disrupting the hair growth cycle.

The Laser Hair Removal Process

Before Your First Appointment

Preparing for your first laser hair removal treatment involves a few specific steps. Shaving the area to be treated 24 to 48 hours before your appointment is recommended because this allows the laser to more effectively target the hair follicle rather than just the hair above the surface. You will need to stay away from waxing, plucking, or using depilatory creams for at least three weeks prior to treatment, as these methods can lessen the effectiveness of the laser.

Your First Appointment

The sensation during the treatment usually feels like a snap on the skin, similar to what you may have felt as a kid when you accidentally snapped yourself with a rubber band. While generally not painful, comfort levels can vary from person to person. Protective eyewear will be provided, and a cooling gel may be applied to minimize any discomfort. Each session typically lasts between 20 minutes and an hour, depending on the area being treated.

After Your First Appointment

Post-treatment, it may take a week or two for the treated hairs to fall out. The percentage of hairs that are removed with each session can vary, but generally, you can expect a 10-25% reduction in hair after the first treatment. It’s essential to understand that laser hair removal targets hair in the active growth phase, which is why multiple sessions are usually required to catch each hair in this phase.

Subsequent Appointments and Discussing Results

The number of sessions you’ll need may be adjusted based on your laser hair removal service results thus far. Typically, appointments are spaced four to six weeks apart to align with the hair growth cycle. As you progress through your scheduled sessions, you’ll likely notice a gradual reduction in hair thickness, density, and growth rate, allowing for an increasingly smooth and hair-free appearance.

How Long Can Laser Hair Removal Results Last?

The longevity of laser hair removal results can differ from person to person. Generally speaking, many individuals experience long-term hair reduction that can last for years. Even if some hair does grow back in the area eventually, it will likely be thinner and less noticeable. Some people find that touch-up treatments every few years are enough to deal with any stray hairs.

Comparing Laser Hair Removal With Other Removal Methods


Waxing removes hair from the root, providing smoother skin for about three to six weeks. While this is longer-lasting compared to some other methods, it’s significantly shorter than what you could expect from professional laser hair removal. Waxing involves frequent upkeep and can be painful, especially for sensitive areas.


Shaving offers the most temporary solution for hair removal, usually lasting just a day or two before stubble appears. When considering the long-term laser hair removal benefits, shaving stands out as a less effective method that requires continual maintenance, making it less convenient over time.


Hair removal creams can keep the skin hair-free for up to a week, but they can also be irritating for those with sensitive skin. Compared to laser hair removal, the longevity of results from creams falls short. Additionally, the use of chemicals might not be suitable for everyone or every body part.

Additional Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Less Pain and Irritation

When it comes to comfort, laser hair removal service is often considered less painful than waxing or shaving, particularly in sensitive areas such as the bikini line. Those who opt for bikini laser hair removal usually report minimal discomfort during and after the treatment, without the pain of waxing such a sensitive area or the irritating razor burn that can come with shaving. Ingrown hairs can also be less frequent after laser hair removal.

Cost Effective in the Long Term

While the initial cost of professional laser hair removal may be higher than other methods like waxing or shaving, it can turn out to be more economical over time. The need for fewer sessions and reduced maintenance can save you both time and money in the long run, making it a smart financial choice for those seeking long-lasting hair reduction.

Simplifies Your Routine

Another compelling advantage of laser hair removal is the way it can streamline your daily grooming routine. The long-term hair reduction benefits mean less time spent shaving, waxing, or applying creams, freeing you up for other activities and reducing the need for continual upkeep.

Get Long Term Hair Removal With Laser Treatments

When it comes to long-lasting and efficient hair removal, laser hair removal offers several advantages over other traditional methods. At Ferrer & Monaghan Vein and Aesthetic Center, we prioritize giving you the transparent information necessary to be well-informed about your laser hair removal options in Ithaca, NY. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or give us a call at (607) 257-2116.

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